5 Benefits of Using Bluestones Pavers in the Landscape

Bluestone is igneous that is prized for its deep colour and attractive appearance. Although it is sometimes used as an interior flooring option, it is just as well suited for outdoor paving projects in the garden. The following are some of the benefits of using bluestone pavers in your landscaping. 

1. Weather Resistance

Bluestone can withstand nearly any type of weathering that it is exposed to. The stone itself is especially dense, which means it won't crack or erode due to weathering. The dark colour can absorb heat without damage to the stone, as well.

2. Durability

High traffic areas are no match for bluestone pavers. Unlike softer stones, which can wear down due to heavy use, bluestone will look as good after years of heavy foot traffic as it did the day that it was installed. The surface doesn't scratch easily, and cracks are also no issue as long as you choose a quality stone with sufficient thickness so as not to be brittle.

3. Water Resistant

One popular exterior location for bluestone is around swimming pools and water features. Although all stone is porous, the density of bluestone is due to it only having minimal porosity. Water simply doesn't soak in enough to cause any type of damage. The stone also resists salt damage, which is good news for those looking to put in a pool surround on your saltwater pool.

4. Naturally Anti-slip

The texture of bluestone helps create an anti-slip surface, which is good news for outdoor applications—especially around pools. You can further decrease the chances of slipping by choosing the right finish on the stones. A sawn finish features the texture of the saw ridges from cutting the stone, providing good traction and an attractive rustic look. Flaming is another option. High heat is applied to the stone, which brings out a lovely grey colour and creates a rough surface for better traction.

5. Simple Maintenance

The stone itself requires very little maintenance other than rinsing it off or scrubbing it with a stiff brush to remove accumulated dirt. The grouting that secures the bluestones can stain over time if it isn't sealed, though. It's good practice to reseal the grout every few years, or whenever it starts to absorb the moisture instead of repel it. This way you won't have to worry about replacing the grout or waste time trying to scrub it clean.

Contact a paving service to learn more about exterior bluestone pavers. 
